Gratitude Cards - Have 7 Gratitude cards and give them out each week. Reward students with this and have students get it signed by a parent and return it for a small incentive.
Thank you extended - When thanking a student be more specific by adding “for” and what they did after it
Gratitude Letter - Once every 2 weeks have students write a gratitude letter to someone they are thankful for
Gratitude Share - Have students turn and talk to a neighbor about what they are thankful for this week. Have students share out what their partner said to them.
Gratitude Starters -
Gratitude is the Atti____________ (Tude/Dude/Mude)
When I am feeling grateful I want to __________
When someone appreciates something I have done I feel ______________
One thing I am grateful for today is_______________
Gratitude Header -
Have students write one thing they are grateful for as part of the header for assignments.
Gratitude Colleague - At random, visit a teacher during your break or a bathroom break and put a sticky note on their desk highlighting something they did that inspired you or made you smile.
and almost forgot...THANK YOU for sharing this tool
A lovely exercise for the fertile minds and spirits of our future generation. In fact, anyone at any age would be wise to employ such cultivation techniques as this and discover a deeper understanding of themselves and the power of positive participation in the world around them! 💫